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Cavers Mailing List     № 6572

Re: 2080 МЕТРОВ - обсуждение.

Автор: Victor Komarov
Дата: 3 Nov 2004

Всем добрый день.

Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 12:35 AM
Subject: [CML #6569] 2080 МЕТРОВ - обсуждение.

> Вопрос поднятый Глебом очень важен. Хотя рассылка не самый лучший метод его решения (мне скорее видится открытый семинар с докладом от первооткрывателей), но поскольку не всегда возможно собрать всех в одном месте, готов поучаствовать. Тем более, что организаторы экспедиций не против.
> >
> > Обсуждайте на здоровье, штурмуйте, упорядочивайте, доказывайте,
> > ухватывайте идеи, анализируйте, обобщайте и проч.

В понятие "проч." по моему входит и направление информации по теме в место проведения обсуждения.
Если я тем самым нарушаю спелеоэтику - дайте знать.
Все мы ей, этике, постоянно учимся.

1. Краткий сообщение-доклад первооткрывателей в англоязычном варианте содержит дополнительные данные.
Он обошёл зарубежные рассылки, стал франко и испаноязычным, думается ему место и в нашей CML.

Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:24 PM
Subject: [CaveDiggers] Voronja (-2080m deep)

"The Call of the Abyss" Project:
The third expedition of 2004: Krubera Cave - 2080m

On behalf of the Ukrainian Speleological Association, I am happy
to inform speleologists around the world about a historic
accomplishment: the first 2000m+ cave on Earth became a reality.
The 2000m milestone in deep cave explorations has been vanquished
in Krubera Cave (Arabika Massif, Western Caucasus, Abkhazia) during
the third expedition of "The Call of the Abyss" project, conducted
between October 1-28.

The expedition led by Yury Kasjan was composed of nine Ukrainian
cavers representing caving clubs of Yalta, Kiev, Kharkov and
Uzhgorod (Igor Ishchenko, Sergey Bogutsky, Dmitry Furnik, Kirill
Gostev, Ilja Lapa, Ekaterina Medvedeva, Emil Vash and Vladimir
Djachenko). The main goal was to continue exploring the new section
discovered by the previous Ukr.S.A. expedition in August, in which
the depth record had been set up at -1825m.

Based in the camp at -1645m behind the first sifon, the group of
five cavers explored a lead deviating from the main branch several
tens of meters above the terminal sifon. The newly explored part,
named "Windows", consist of a series of inclined passages and vertical
pits (up to 40m deep), which form a complex structure in plan and
profile of the total length of 1070m and depth of 290m. No big
stream (active collector) has been encountered so far. The new
part has ended with a dry chamber (named "Game Over") plugged with
sandy and silt sediments. There are many side openings through the
Windows series suggesting good possibilities for further
exploration, including advance in depth.

Based on a standard topographic survey of the post-sifon section below
-1440m, made during the August and October expeditions (Suunto compass
& clinometer and DisoLite laser distometer; BCRA Grade 3-4), added to
the previous Ukr.S.A. survey for the whole cave, the total depth of
the cave is estimated to be -2080m. The 2000m mark and the lowest
point were reached on October 19.

With the entrance located at the altitude of about 2250m, the
deepest point of the cave has reached the altitude of 170m above
sea level, but it has not reached the top of the phreatic zone
yet. The system is hydrologically linked with major springs located
at 1m and 50m altitudes at the Black Sea cost at the distance of
13-16km, and also to submarine springs. Such a low gradient (less
than 170m/13,000m) suggests the generally low hydraulic resistance of
the deep sections of the massif, which is probably because well
developed conduit porosity had formed during Pleistocene periods
of low sea level stands, when the drainage level was at much lower
position than at present.

Exploration of the first 2000m+ deep cave on Earth was claimed as
the ultimate goal of "The Call of the Abyss" Project run by the
Ukr.S.A. during last four years. The world's depth record in
Krubera Cave was first established at -1710m by the Ukr.S.A.
expedition in January 2001. During this year the advance in 370m
has been made, unparalleled in the history of deep cave
explorations. Despite of the fact that the goal has been reached,
the "The Call of the Abyss" Project has still much work to do to
fully explore Krubera Cave and to "grow up" another 2000m+ cave in
the Aladaglar Massif in Turkey, yet another project study area.

The expeditions of the Project this year have been supported by
the National Geographic Society.

 -- Alexander Klimchouk, the Project leader
President of the Ukrainian Speleological Association

Dr.Alexander Klimchouk
P.O.Box 136
Kiev-30, 01030, Ukraine
Phone: +380-4473-30194,
Mobile: +380-50-1668243
Fax: +380-44-5128283
UIS KHS Commission website and
The Virtual Scientific Journal:

2. http://www.cavediggers.com/magazine/8thissue.pdf - 8 номер журнала Сaves.com.
стр. 16 - The Search for 2,000m Deep by Alexander Klimchouk and Yury Kasjan
см. [CML #5896]
Здесь помещено наиболее обстоятельное из известных мне иллюстрированных подземной и поверхностной топо-графикой описаний района и пещеры.

> На данном этапе накоплено много материала по пещерам не вписывающимся в рамки классического карстоведения. И это требует не только подходов в стиле: информация с одной стороны, версия с другой, а критика с третьей.

Можно поэкспериментировать со стилем.
Например, тем кто работал в пещере поделиться непосредственными наблюдениями и мыслями о её развитии - версиями. И критически отнестись к собственным версиям.
Тем самым все "стороны" соберутся вместе.

Всего доброго.
Виктор Комаров < >

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