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Cavers Mailing List     № 465

[Fwd] UIS congress

Автор: Philipp Haeuselmann
Дата: 16 Dec 1996

-----===== [begin of forward] =====-----

Hello Pavel

I heard that you are the moderator of a russian maillist. Is there a
possibility to post messages in English? If yes, would it be possible
for you to post the following message for me?
For your answer I thank you very much! Good caving!

------------------------begin of message---------------------
Hello Cavers

I'd like to remind you that the next International Congress of UIS is
held in Switzerland, 10-17. August 1997.

Informations are available from:


It is planned to be a fiesta for cavers, not only a scientific symposium
(although most of the well-known scientists will be present)! It's worth
to come!

By the way: Those who subscribe and pay until the END OF 1996 get the
congress at a lower price! Take this opportunity and go for it!

Go grab it!

Many greetings from

--------------------end of message------------------------

-----===== [end of forward] =====-----

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