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Cavers Mailing List     № 18168

Fwd: Support for UIS Proposal of UNESCO Day of Caves and Karst

Автор: Bulat Mavlyudov
Дата: 01 Aug 2024

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Nadja Zupan Hajna <>
Дата: Четверг, 1 августа 2024, 11:18 +02:00
Тема: Support for UIS Proposal of UNESCO Day of Caves and Karst

Dear supporters of the IYCK 2021 and colleagues,

Please forgive me for possibly cross-posting, as we have already sent the request to many international, regional, and national organizations as well as UIS member delegates (in June 2024).


Following the success of the UIS International Year of Caves and Karst Areas 2021, the International Union of Speleology (UIS) is actively working to establish September 13 as UNESCO Day of Caves and Karst (IDCK). Please find attached the UIS request letter, the draft proposal, and the letter of support from the IUCN Working Group on Caves and Karst.


Why September 13th? On this day in 2021, caves and karst were presented to UNESCO for the first time (although the UIS was founded on September 16), because there is no other international day on this date, because no nationality is favored, and

because the UNESCO representative likes the idea.  


It does not matter if your country or region already celebrates a day other than the International Day of Caves and Karst proposed here, what matters is that the public is informed about caves and karst as often as possible.

I hope that we will all take this opportunity to give caves and karst the recognition they deserve.


The UIS has already received official support from many international organizations (see below) and expects more. We have also received positive feedback from UNESCO headquarters in Paris.


On behalf of UIS, I sincerely ask for your (organisation, institution) support by sending a letter of support to UIS!


With kind regards, Nadja



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadja Zupan Hajna

International Union of Speleology UIS


Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU

Titov trg 2

6230 Postojna



Support letters


1.       IUCN CKWG Karst & Caves Working Group

2.       IUCN WCPA Geoheritage Specialist Group

3.       International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)

4.       International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)

5.       International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)

6.       International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Karst Commission

7.       Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association (ACKMA)

8.       Asian Union of Spele ology

9.       United States Biosphere Network (USBN)

10.    Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region

11.    Czech Association of Geomorphologists

12.    Association of Slovenian Geographers

13.    Slovenian Geological Society (SGD)

14.    Geomorphological Society of Slovenia (GMDS)

15.    Society Dinaricum



16.    Park Skocjanske Jame

17.    Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU

18.    UNESCO Karst Education, Chair

19.    Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts (SAZU)

20.    Karst Lab México

21.    University of Belgrade/Faculty of Biology


UIS members

22.    Israel

23.    Czech

24.    Slovenia

25.    Morocco

26.    Hungary

27.    Greece


On the way (oral):

1.       International Geographical Union (IGU)

2.       Krasopis

3.       CaveMAB

4.       European Speleological Federation

5.       Geological Survey of Slovenia

6.       ProGEO

7.       Croatia (UIS member)

8.       Eurogeosurveys



Brez virusov.www.avast.com
Bulat Mavlyudov

Прикреплённый файл: UIS IDCK PROPOSAL to UNESCO_ 2024.pdf (389.01 KBytes)

Прикреплённый файл: 2024 05 30 IUCN_CKWG letter in support of IDCK.pdf (633.99 KBytes)

Прикреплённый файл: UIS Letter for IDCK support_IYCK supporters.pdf (300.87 KBytes)

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