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Fwd[2]: August Cave & Karst News

Автор: Bulat Mavlyudov
Дата: 14 Aug 2024

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Кому: "Булат Р. Мавлюдов" <>
Дата: Среда, 14 августа 2024, 0:22 +03:00
Тема: Fwd: August Cave & Karst News
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July 2024 Cave and Karst News

Upcoming Important Dates:



Many events have occurred this July at NCKRI, from the onboarding of a new director to a successful field season at the Frasassi Cave System. Read to learn more about upcoming events and other NCKRI news!


If you would like add any upcoming events, deadlines to the NCKRI News or calendar, email us at or reply to this email.


Frontiers Unbound:

Exploring Extreme Environments

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

September 12-14, 2024


17th European Cave Rescue Association (ECRA)

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

September 19-22, 2024


Geological Society of America

Anaheim, CA, USA

September 22-25, 2024

2024 International Show Caves Association Conference

Mulu National Park, Malaysia

September 28-October 6, 2024

Texas Hydro-Geo Workshop

Boerne, Texas, USA

October 4-6, 2024

USGS Karst Interest Group Workshop

Nashville, TN, USA

October 22-24, 2024

For more upcoming events check out our online calendar


A Letter from Benjamin Tobin, Director of NCKRI

Dear Readers


I am honored to introduce myself as the new Director of NCKRI. I am excited to work with the National Park Service, City of Carlsbad, the NCKRI team, and all our partners to build upon our foundation to be a focal point for cave and karst research, stewardship, and education in the United States.


As a karst scientist and former resource manager, I have focused my career on conducting research to improve our ability to manage karst landscapes. This work required broad collaborations across sub-disciplines to achieve broader impacts.


I look forward to strategically growing NCKRI’s collaborations and working with more of you to fulfill NCKRI’s mission to promote and facilitate cave and karst research, education, and sustainability.


As we move forward, please do not hesitate to reach out to me to discuss possible collaborations, .


Dr. Benjamin Tobin

Please take 5-10 minutes to fill out this Cave Week Survey by August 16, 2024.


Survey Link



We Need Your Help!

Cave Week Survey


If you participated in Cave Week or could be a future participant, we want to hear from you! What resources do you need? What did you think went well? If you celebrated, what kind of events did you have? Let us know! Your input can help make next year's Cave Week better!


If you do not want to take the survey you can also mail us at .

Cave Week Resources

Academic Program Update:

Field Research in the Frasassi Caves


Dr. Daniel Jones, two of his PhD students Laura Rodriguez and Mackenzie Best, and Dr. Matthew Covington (University of Arkansas) spent two weeks doing fieldwork in the Frasassi Caves in July. Frasassi is a "sulfidic" cave system that is currently forming by sulfuric acid speleogenesis, much like how Carlsbad Cavern and the other large caves in the Guadalupe Mountains formed more than 4 million years ago.

1. This was Dr. Matt Covington's first trip to the Frasassi cave system, shown here collecting a sample in hot sulfidic cave near Acquasanta Terme. (Photo credit, Mackenzie Best)

2: Covington, Rodriguez, Best, and Jones

3. Jones, Best, and Covington with Italian cave scientists and collaborators Maurizio Mainiero and Stefano Recanatini (second from left, and right)

Top Banner Photo: Laura Rodriguez, who started her Ph.D. in January 2024, seen taking samples on her inaugural trip into the Frasassi System.

Zoë Havlena, Ph.D. Defense


Zoë Havlena successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation, "Geomicrobiology and Biosignature Preservation Potential of Acidic Gypsum Deposits from Sulfidic Caves". Congrats to Dr. Havlena!

2024 National Speleological Society Convention

Decontamination Station and Gear Cleaning (Decon Station)


This year’s NSS Convention was filled with amazing caving trips that explored the heart of TAG. As a way to protect the organisms and special microbiome that dwell in cave environments, the decontamination station was brought to life by NCKRI along with the US Forest Service that assisted in supplying materials, and the help of volunteers. More than 341 people attended and cleaned their gear during the convention. The station was equipped with various hoses and a pressure washer for removing cave sediments, a table filled with cleaning wipes and isopropyl alcohol 70% for decontaminating hard gear like helmets and lights, and a hot water bath of 5 minutes in 131 degree Fahrenheit temperature water for decontaminating soft gear.

NCKRI staff Devra Willingham and Raquel Lugo built and organized the Decon station at the NSS convention, along with assistance from volunteers such as Jenna Crabtree, Rebecca Gebb and Ryan Palmer pictured here.

Cave Week Presentation


During the NSS convention Devra Willingham, NCKRI’s Educational Program Manager, and Raquel Lugo, Science Communication Intern, presented on NCKRI taking leadership of Cave Week during the Cultures of Caving session at the 2024 NSS Convention in Tennessee. At the end of the presentation they opened a discussion to gain feedback from the audience. Cave Week, which occurred from June 2-8, was a week dedicated to the celebration of caves all throughout the continent. It was a chance for cave enthusiasts, public lands, teachers and everyone in between to share knowledge and excitement about these special environments.

Send Us News

If you have cave and karst news that you want to share, please send an email to or click the link above. Include your contact information and details that you would like us to share such as an event, date, pertinent links, and a short description.

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If you are receiving this email and you aren't on our mailing list, come join! We won't share your information but we will share on-going cave and karst news! You can either use the link above or send us an email at .

The National Cave and Karst Institute is a research center of New Mexico Tech. NCKRI was created in partnership with the National Park Service, State of New Mexico, and the City of Carlsbad to be a nexus of research, stewardship, information and outreach for caves and karst while fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. Our mission is to promote and facilitate cave and karst research, education and sustainability.

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Bulat Mavlyudov

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