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Cavers Mailing List     № 397

III CEALC-Third Announcement

Автор: Mario A. Pettersen
Дата: 1 Oct 1996

III Congress of Speleology of Latin America and the Caribbean - III CEALC
V General Assembly of the FEALC

THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT (sorry for my translation)

1- The circular present is directed to all the national delegates before the
FEALC, as well as to all the American colleagues and/or of the rest of the
world. We request a reading attempts, since have been produced modifications
with respect to data of the previous regulations.

2-El III CEALC and V General Assembly will be carried out in the city of
Malargue, Province of Mendoza, Argentine Republic, between the days 2 and
8 of February of 1997. The headquarters of the Congress will be the "Molino
of Rufino Ortega", historical monument on the one which we will offer more
information in this same circular.

3- All the correspondence related to the III CEALC will have to be directed
to the new address of this

General Secretariat:
               Boulevard Rufino Ortega 550
               5613 - Malargue

               FAX 54-627-70689

These data annul those of previous regulations.

4- The active participants will be able to present until two (2) technical or
scientific projects and will pay u$s 70 for registration.
hey will have to transmit a summary in Spanish or Portuguese
(official languages of the congress) and an abstract in English,
before of the 30 of November of 1996, as condition sine qua non so that its
incorporation in the Book of abstracts to be edited.
The passive participants (listening, observant, accompanists) will pay u$s 35
and they will not be able to present projects.
This general secretariat has enabled the banking account #32520/2 in the
Banco de la Nacion Argentina - Sucursal Malargue, to the one which can be directed
transfers from any part of the world, in Argentine weights or American dollars
indistinctively. The general secretariat of the FEALC request the colleagues the
anticipated reference of the money of the registration, since we do not count the
weight subsidy of no nature. It should be taken into account to in the Argentina the
parities of the dollar is of 1=1

5-Las procedures for the projects presentation are those which govern in all
the international congresses

6- Housing: The city of Malargue counts on excellent hotels. In attached
leaf we detail the prices of the hotels that they have quoted and adhered to
this III CEALC. We request to direct the reservation requests the fax
indicated in each hotel. it be Directed this general secretariat only in the
event of inconvenient.

7- Arrival to Malargue: In attached leaf we offer details on the trips
frequency to Malargue of the transportation companies.

8- Food: In some instances the housing includes the food. But for who wish
to consider separately this article, we inform that the price average of a
luncheon or dinner in Malargue is of u$s 1 for person. We are transacting
special prices by contingent.

9- The colleagues that are registered will have to indicate if require of
space to exhibit mural photos, posters, etc. since we have place for this.

10 - The national post office company of the Argentine committed the
confection of an allusive postmark for the speleo-philatelists.
It is being transacting furthermore the installation of a postal courier within
same local of the deliberations.

11 - The expeditions post - congress are being you organized by the speleological
associations of the Province of the NeuquИn, border south of the province of Mendoza.
Said expeditions will have of objective natural cavities of the province of the
NeuquИn. Nevertheless, it is not discarded the posibilities of visit cavities of
the Department of Malargue. For the case of the Caverna de Las Brujas, we should
inform that yet they are not solved the legal problems related to her, therefore we
do not organize visits to the same. We rely in which this situation will be
surpassed for the date of the III CEALC.

12 - The III CEALC counts on the patronage of the Reputable Deputies Chamber
of the Province of Mendoza and of the Reputable Deliberating Council of the
City of Malargue, as well as with the support of the Executive Department of
the Municipality of Malargue Company.

  Carlos Benedetto


Malargue, Argentina, 2 to the 8 of February of 1997.

Surnames and Names: _____________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Fax: ____________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________
Registration as participating: Active / Passive (to erase what not correspond)
I will present projects: YES / NO (to erase what not correspond)
Titles of the projects to present: ____________________________________________


Data on housing in the city of Malargue:
- Since this is an electronics issue, to request the General Secretariat a fax
with this information.

How to arrive to Malargue:
Malargue it is the vastest department of the Province of Mendoza,
Argentine Republic (41.300Km2). Counts on 21.000 inhabitants, of those which
13.000 live in the city of Malargue, head-board of the department.
Politically Malargue it belongs to Mendoza, but bio-geographically it is part
of the Patabonia. It is region producing of oil and plaster. It is practiced
the agriculture of the potato and been suckling gained caprino.
Originally this region were called Malal-Hue (stone corral) and was a zone
inhabited by and people pehuenche, one of the branches of the nation
mapuche-araucanian. The white man populated this regio in the last fourth
of the century XIX. The current Malargue was founded by the General Rufino
Ortega, soldier and political that in that time began the agriculture and
grains grinding-cereals of the region. Malargue it is today an arid place,
but until principles of this century were practiced here the sowing and wheat
crop and, consequently, the flour manufacture; then they occurred climatic
changes that compelled to abandon this activity.
Of that era is conserved the Molino of Rufino Ortega, built by the founder of
the city in 1873 and used during decades to manufacture wheat flour.
The windmill was restored in 1995 and it is considered Monument Historical
and National Monument . From 1995 the Windmill of Rufino Ortega, that
conserves the original wildness, it is intensely used for cultural events.
The III CEALC will be carried to end in that historical monument.
The city of Malargue is located to approximately 400Km, to the South of the
city of Mendoza, capital of the Province Argentina of the same name.
It is crossed of North to South by the National Route 40, that communicate
northward with San Rafael, Mendoza, etc, and southward with the province
of the NeuquИn.
It is arrived to the city of Mendoza from Buenos Aires and from other Argentine
cities, as well as from Santiago of Chile and other cities of the foreign of
the country, since this Capital has an important international airport.
Also it can be arrived by air route to the city of San Rafael, located to half
of road between Mendoza and Malargue.

- Since this is an electronics issue, to request the General Secretariat a fax
with the information of flights and bus frequency.

III CEALC-Third Announcement

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