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Cavers Mailing List     № 18166

Fwd: International Union of Speleology (UIS) - UIS Bulletin 66-1 - June 2024

Автор: Bulat Mavlyudov
Дата: 20 Jul 2024

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Nivaldo Colzato <>
Кому: Nivaldo Colzato <>
Дата: Пятница, 19 июля 2024, 22:29 +02:00
Тема: International Union of Speleology (UIS) - UIS Bulletin 66-1 - June 2024

Dear Officers of the UIS Commissions and Working Groups,

We are glad to share with you the Volume 66-1 of the UIS Bulletin.
Please, send it to the whole speleological community in your country and
your entire contact list.

The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded by clicking on the link:

The 60 pages of this issue bring the following topics:

● Editorial: “One year to the 19th ICS and the 60th Anniversary of the UIS”
● President’s Column - by Nadja Zupan Hajna: “Charting New Horizons”
● UIS Becomes a Full Member of the International Science Council
● The UIS Archive in Postojna: demands - repeated urgent call!
● UIS Book “Sixty Years of the UIS - 1965-2025” - History update
● International Journal of Speleology - Special issue on Cave Monitoring:
call for papers
● UIS Informatics Commission: A New Presidency
● 19th International Congress of Speleology - Call for registration
● Exploring Scotland’s Subterranean Wonders: The Grampian Speleological
Group in Edinburgh
● Advancing Karst and Cave Ecosystem Protection: Insights from UNEA-6
● 21st International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology in Galapagos Islands
● 10th International Workshop on Ice Caves
● III Colombian Congress of Speleology
● Caving in Mongolian Permafrost - 2023 Expedition
● 2024 Tipan (PH) Expedition in Philippines
● Virtual Speleological Field Trip in Greece
● Minutes of the UIS virtual Bureau meeting on December 13, 2023
● Minutes of the UIS virtual Bureau meeting on April 17, 2024
● A Tribute to Reinhold Henrich Scherrer (René), Switzerland
● UIS Bureau 2022/2025
● List of UIS Member Countries
● Annual Contributions and Bank Account
● Calendar of Events

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve upcoming issues.

The complete collection (80 issues) is available by clicking on the link:

Visit the Websites:
Union Internationale de Spéléologie - www.uis-speleo.org
19th International Congress of Speleology - https://speleo2025.org/

Best regards

Nivaldo COLZATO (Brazil)
Vice President of Operations / UIS Bulletin Editor
UIS-Union Internationale de Spéléologie
Bulat Mavlyudov

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