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Cavers Mailing List     № 5879

Смертельная опасность - угарный газ (СО) в пещере

Автор: Victor Komarov
Дата: 28 Apr 2004

Трагичная весть.


Трое студентов погибли в пещере Minnesota от угарного газа (СО).
Причём они были предупреждены около неё родителями двух погибших по той же причине в соседней пещере девочек в 1992 году.

Измерения СО в пещере показали очень высокий его уровень из-за плохой циркуляции воздуха.
В воздухе содержалось только 15 процентов кислорода.
Вероятно это явилось результатом недавно разведённого кем-то огня в пещере.
Причём вход в неё был завален, что препятствовало циркуляции воздуха и студентам пришлось отрывать его.

Это довод чтобы ставить решётки, а не заделывать наглухо ходы в пещере в целях её охраны.
Может ли появляться СО в пещере без разведения в ней огня?
Если да, то в результате каких процессов?
Что может быть простым практическим индикатором опасного уровня СО под землёй?
Виктор Комаров < >

 > Three teens die of carbon monoxide in Minnesota cave
> Wednesday, April 28, 2004 Posted: 2:42 AM EDT (0642 GMT)
> (CNN) -- Three teenagers died Tuesday after being overcome by carbon
> monoxide fumes when they were exploring a cave on the bluffs of the
> Mississippi River in St. Paul, Minnesota, police said.
> Officer Paul Schnell, spokesman for the St. Paul Police, told CNN in
> a phone interview that a group of five high school students -- four
> boys and a girl -- entered one of the many caves along the banks of
> the river.
> One boy who noticed he was becoming lightheaded inside the cave
> managed to get out and get help. A rescue team from the St. Paul Fire
> Department went into the cave with special breathing equipment and
> managed to revive another boy.
> "He's now in a hyperbaric chamber in a local hospital," Schnell said.
> The three other teenagers were already dead, he said.
> Schnell said fire department officials reported that the carbon
> monoxide levels inside the cave were extremely high, and the air
> contained only 15 percent oxygen.
> "There was no way of getting fresh air," said St. Paul Fire Marshal
> Steve Zaccard. "The cave had been sealed by the city, but they dug it
> out."
> City workers have tried to seal most of the entrances to the cave
> complex, according to rescue officials.
> Zaccard said the high carbon monoxide levels were likely the result
> of someone starting a fire in the cave in recent weeks, since there
> was no evidence of smoldering ashes. With little circulation of fresh
> air, the deadly fumes remained.
> In 1992, two girls were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in a cave
> nearby.
> "One of the most sad things about today's incident is that not 50
> yards from the cave they were in there was a warning sign put up by
> the parents of the two dead girls" from the 1992 incident, Schnell
> said.

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