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Cavers Mailing List     № 786

New speleo magazine in the Web

Автор: Zbigniew Bartoszewski
Дата: 22 Feb 1998

 We have the pleasure of informing you that a special issue of the Polish
journal "Jaskinie" (The Caves) devoted to caves, has been placed on one of=
Internet pages. In this journal issued on the occasion of The 12th
International Speleological Congress the information about the activity of
Polish cavers all over the world covering the period 1992-1997 can be foun=
 We would particularly like to draw your attention to the articles about
the exploration of Lamprechtsofen cave - the second deepest cave in the
world, and Bleikogel H=F6hle (-1021) - both in Austria and Sistema del Jou
de la Canal Parda (-903) in Picos de Europa (Spain). There are also many
other interesting articles (expeditions to Vietnam, Albania, etc.) and
many beautiful pictures in this issue.

You are welcome to the address:

(Visit also our cave page "Epimenides" at address:

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