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Cavers Mailing List     № 770


Автор: harvi
Дата: 25 Jan 1998



I take this opportunity to introduce you to siliconindia, a magazine
directed at Business and Technology Professionals of Indian Origin. It
is the only magazine integrating business, technology, career,
professional networking, investment and entertainment in the US and
India. It presents expert analysis from the foremost Indians in their
respective fields. All issues of siliconindia have been received with
universal acclaim by subscribers and industry leaders.

Prominent indians who have shared their experiences and vision in
siliconindia are:

Vinod Khosla Co-founder and first CEO, Sun Microsystems
Desh Deshpande Founder, Cascade Communications
Sanjiv Ahuja President & COO, Bellcore
Dr. Arun Netravali VP, Research, Lucent Technologies-Bell Labs
Sam Pitroda Chairman, WorldTel
Sanjay Kumar President, Computer Associates
S. Ramadorai CEO, Tata Consulting Services
Dewang Mehta Executive Director, NASSCOM

Published from New York, siliconindia is an attractively designed and
produced monthly print magazine with an actively updated web-site. It
features profiles of leading Chief Executives, entrepreneurs and
companies from both US and India. It informs readers of the research and
innovation being done in companies and academic institutions, and covers
the latest developments in technology and trade in areas of Hardware,
Software, Internet, Management, Regulation & Policy, Business
Collaborations, Joint Ventures, Careers and Job opportunities.

Annual subscription to siliconindia is $24. At this time,
as a special promotion, we invite your to get free subscription to
siliconindia without cost or obligation by filling out a short subscription
form on our web-site, http://www.siliconindia.com

Hope you'll subscribe and be a part of siliconindia's large and growing
network of subscribers!


Harvi Sachar
Publisher, SiliconIndia

Phone Number: 212-271-9691

For suggestions and comments:

P.S. We are sending this e-mail to a select group of professionals of
Indian origin. We sincerely apologize if we have inconvenienced you in
any way.

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