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Cavers Mailing List     № 763

Souterrains mail nr 16

Автор: Joep Orbons
Дата: 15 Jan 1998

UIS commission on artificial cavities.
c/o Joep Orbons
P.O. Box 1614
NL 6201 BP Maastricht
The Netherlands
WWW: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jorbons/home.html
Souterrains mail 16:
Message 1: Symposium Ukraine.
Ukrainian Speleological Association (Ukr.S.A.)
Commission of artificial caves and speleo-archaeology of the Ukr.S.A.

Commission of artificial caves of the
Union International de Speleology UIS

Museum of Kiev history

The Odessa Association of Researchers
of Artificial and Natural Caves

International Symposium on Artificial Caves

Kiev-Odessa, Ukraine

September 9-13, 1998


Initiating Committee:
Vorontsova Elena (Kiev, Ukraine)
Havlicek David (Praha, Czech Republic)
Grek Igor (Odessa, Ukraine)
Klimchouk Alexander (Kiev, Ukraine)
Pronin Konstantin (Odessa, Ukraine)
Ridush Bogdan (Chernovtsy, Ukraine)
Strikhar Maxim (Kiev, Ukraine)

Aim and topics

The aims of the Symposium are to introduce participants to artificial
caves - historic undergrounds of Ukraine: Christian cave monasteries and
other holy caves, military underground constructions, old mines, etc., as
well as to exchange experience and results in studying artificial caves.
The symposium topics include aspects of identification, inventory and
classification of artificial caves; development of cultures, technologies
and documentation, as relevant to artificial caves; value and protection of
historical cave heritage, as well as aspects of international cooperation in
studying historic undergrounds.

Program and presentation of papers

The Symposium will include:
1) the theme session and excursions in Kiev,
2) the main program and excursions in Odessa, and
3) the post-Symposium
special excursions. A possibility is foreseen to participate to the full
program starting from Kiev, or only to the main program starting from Odessa.
The theme session in Kiev on September 9 will include special review
lectures on Christian cave monasteries and holy caves of Ukraine
and Kiev, and relevant excursions in Kiev. The official opening and the
main sessions will be held in Odessa between September 10-13 (the main
Oral presentations can be presented in English and Russian. Time allowed for
lectures is 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion. Papers can also be
presented as posters. The abstracts of papers (in English only) will be
published at the beginning of the Symposium (included in the registration
fee). The Symposium proceedings will be published shortly after the event.
The publication of papers in the Proceedings should be pre-paid on the

The Symposium schedule:

September 8: Arrival at Kiev of participants to the theme session
September 9: The theme session and excursions in Kiev, departure to Odessa
by overnight train
September 10: Arrival of participants at Odessa, accommodation, evening
September 11: Sessions and excursions
September 12: Sessions and excursions
September 13: Sessions and excursions, press-conference, banquet


Special theme excursions will be organized for participants. The
excursions in Kiev will include visits to active cave monastery in the
Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the Medieval Zverinetskaja Cave. The excursions in
Odessa include visits to the underground palaeontological reserve, famous
'catacombs' (actually - old limestone mines), underground military
construction, archaeological and palaeontological museums.
Providing enough pre-registrations will be received, additional two-days
excursions will be organized after the symposium to vast limestone mines in
the vicinity of Odessa.


Below approximate costs are indicated. The exact prices and ways of
payments will be communicated in the second circular.

1. The theme session and excursion in Kiev - 35-40 USD (including lodging in
a hotel, lunch and dinner, and transportation to Odessa)
2. The main program in Odessa:
        - registration fee - 60 USD (including organization costs, local
transports, excursions, abstracts and banquet)
        - lodging and meals from 10 to 13 - 80-100 USD (single- and double
bedded rooms)

3. The post-Symposium excursions in Odessa region - 40 USD (lodging and
food for two days and all costs of excursions)

Important dates
Preliminary registration and submission of abstracts
   - until April 30, 1998
Second circular
   - until May 30, 1998
Final registration
   - until July 30, 1998
Submission of full papers
   - at registration

Second circular

Second circular giving details of the organization and exact costs will be
distributed by May 30, 1998 only to those who return registration to the
Symposium Secretariat.

Contact addresses

Symposium Secretariat: Igor Grek, ul. I.Rabin 47, kv 112,
                        Odessa 270072 UKRAINE
                        Phones: +380-482-646154 (home)
                                +380-482-200407 (office)
The Ukr.S.A. office: Nataly Jablokova, P.O.Box 224/8,
                        Kiev-30 252030 UKRAINE
                        Tel/fax: +380-44-5128283

The information of this Circular is available on Internet at the web-site
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jorbons/kiev-odessa.html and will be updated when

Message 2: Competition
The city of Valkenburg set out an international competition called: "
Atlantis 2000". "An International underground space design competition". It
deals with artistic ideas to use on underground limestone quarries in the
village of Valkenburg. Next to the historic, cultural and other values, the
aim is also toward restaurants, parking etc.
More about this at http://www.nirov.nl/atlantis2000
Joep Orbons, Holdaal 6, NL 6228 GH Maastricht, The Netherlands
E-Mail: , WWW: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jorbons/souterrains.html
Office: RAAP archaeological consultancy, P.O.Box 1347, NL 1000 BH Amsterdam
E-Mail: , WWW: http://www.raap.nl/

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