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Cavers Mailing List     № 6066

Новая версия топографической программы COMPASS

Автор: Victor Komarov
Дата: 23 Jun 2004

Добрый день.

От разработчика программы COMPASS Larry Fish пришло сообщение о выходе новой версии (релиза) этой популярной программы.
Привожу его ниже полностью.

Новая версия содержит более 30 изменений и улучшений.
В частности поддерживается спелео топопрограмма Аuriga для "наладонного" компьютера Palm.
 Из программы Аuriga данные могут направляться для последующей обработки в Compass.

Особенно интересна появившаяся возможность экспорта в другие программы "файлов очертаний (форм)" (Shapefiles).

<Экспорт файлов очертаний.
 Compass сейчас имеет возможность напрямую экспортировать Shapefiles, которые позволяют пещерным данным читаться в геоинформационной системе (GIS) ArcView и других программах фирмы ESRI.
(Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. - Институт изучения окружающих систем В.К.).

Экспортируемый файл включает 9 разных параметров, таким образом эти различные характеристики (аспекты) подземных проходов могут быть раздельно рассмотрены в GIS программах.
Эти возможности включают двумерные (2D) очертания проходов и полные трёхмерные (3D) их модели с рекурсивным выравниванием очертаний, представлением подземных объёмов в виде соединённых призм и контролем очертания прохода.
Наличие экспорта файлов очертаний (Shapefile export) позволяет вам использовать свободно распространяемую программу фирмы ESRI - ArcExplorer.>

Обстоятельное описание программы Compass на русском языке (перевод документации) вы найдёте по адресу

Успешного использования программы.

Всего доброго,

Виктор Комаров < >

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 10:46 AM
Subject: Cavers Digest 5808

Topic: 11
Digest: 5808
Date: Fri Jun 11 15:34:07 MDT 2004
From: Larry Fish

Subject: Compass Annoucement

####### New COMPASS Cave Survey Software Release ###########

I would like to announce a new release of the cave survey
software package COMPASS. This release is a major new
release, with more than 30 changes and improvements. Here are
the highlights of the changes:

AURIGA SUPPORT FOR COMPASS. Auriga is a program that allows
you to enter cave data directly into a Palm computer and view
plots. Since Palms computers are small, light and
inexpensive, they can be carried underground and are the
perfect data entry and surveying tools. Auriga now has
features that allow you export the cave data to Compass. For
more information, follow this link:


PROJECT MANAGER/EDITOR. The Geographic Calculator now
calculates magnetic declination based on the IGRF and DGRF
models, covering a range of dates from 1900 to 2005. This
allows you to enter accurate declination for any location and
any modern date. The Project Manager also has a feature that
can override the entered declinations and recalculate them
during processing based on the survey date and cave location.

SHAPEFILE EXPORT. Compass now can to do direct exports of
Shapefiles, which allow cave data to be read into ArcView and
other ESRI programs. The export includes nine different
parameters so that different aspect of the cave passages can
be viewed separately in the GIS programs. The options include
2D passage outlines and full 3D passage models with recursive
smoothing, prism merging and control of the passage shape.
Having Shapefile export in Compass allows you to use free
ESRI software such ArcExplorer.

ALL PROGRAMS. The resource usage of all Compass programs has
been reduced. This is especially useful for people who are
using Windows 95, 98 or ME because these operating systems
don't allocate resources very efficiently. Reducing resource
usage makes Compass more stable under these operating
systems. Also means that you can run multiple copies of
Compass without depleting resources under Win98. (Note: this
was never an issue under WinNT, 2000 or XP.)

PROJECT MANAGER. The project manager now adds several new
statistics. First, the program now calculates the surface
area of all the passages in the cave. This can be useful
calculating the area available as habitat for cave dwelling
animals, calculation heat transfer between rock and air, etc.
The statistics also includes Passage Floor Area as part of
its statistics, which can be used to calculate stream flows
and other related statistics.

VIEWER. The Viewer has many new features including the option
of subtracting out the regional dip from the whole cave as
well the color-by-depth and exclude-by-depth options. This
allows more direct visualization of cave without the tilt
caused by geological uplift. There is also a new feature that
displays a list of all surveys that have been included in the
Complex plot. This is useful for picking out the surveys that
have certain properties or pertain to certain parts of the
cave. Finally, the Complex Plotting Feature now allows you to
select specific parts of a cave to analyze the tilt of the
passages. This allows you to find the regional dip of the
cave based on specific, representative parts of the cave.

CAVEX. CaveX now has improved passage modeling. Corners
have been made smoother and more precise. There are also
features that handle vertical passage properly. It also has
improved movie capture controls that allow you to setup the
file in advance and then trigger the start and end of capture
with a single button click. This makes it much easier to
setup and then capture movie animations. Finally, the help
file for CaveX have been extensively rewritten.

CAVEBASE. CaveBase has been convert to a 32-bit program.
It has an improved windows layout, making it easier to view
and edit the data. There is improved support for Access
databases. The latest version of the Borland Database Engine
is now distributed with Compass.

WEB PAGE. The Compass web page has been redesigned to make
it cleaner and more functional.

NEW DISCOUNTS. Groups discounts for Compass products has
been increased by 5%.

In addition to the changes listed above, there are literally dozens
of other improvements.


COMPASS is a shareware product. You can try it out free. If
you like it and want to use it, you must register. If you
don't like it, then don't use it and pay nothing.

The individual registration cost for the Window version is
only $25.00. Other registration packages are available for
institutions, businesses, and government agencies. The most
economical option is the COMPASS CD-ROM package. It offers
registration for all COMPASS programs, copies of all COMPASS
programs and more than 400 megabyte of additional data, tools
and programs. The cost is $50 for new registrations, $80 for
institutions, businesses, and government agencies, and $28
for previously registered users.

Fully functional, non-time limited, complete versions of all
the latest Compass software is available free of charge for
evaluation purposes on the internet. Copies are available
through the COMPASS World Wide Web page at:


The Web Page also has full color screen images of some of the
most important features. It also has connections to other
cave related WWW pages including links to the USGS DEM files.
The whole COMPASS package has hundreds of features and a full
description of the software is beyond the scope of this
document. However, the COMPASS Web Page also has a complete
and detailed description of all the features and options.

If you have specific questions, I can be contacted at:


Larry Fish

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