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Cavers Mailing List     № 452

new web site

Автор: UIS Congress 97
Дата: 24 Nov 96

Our records show that you have at one time sent email or registered by
email for the UIS Congress in Switzerland 1997. Due to the popularity
of the internet as a means of communication, we have had some trouble
responding to every request that we have received via this media. We
would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you
and we are working to change this by recently adding staff to process
email requests in a more timely manner.

We have also just released all the current mailings (the second circular)
on the WWW site. Everything you need to make decisions and register for
the congress is now on-line at the official congress web site:


This site will also be updated with news regularly from now until the
congress. Please take some time to look at the site to answer any
questions you might still have about the congress. And if your questions
are still not answered, feel free to mail to


New mail requests will be given prompt attention.

As a special note to those of you that submitted abstracts via email,
please be aware that these abstracts have been forwarded to the scientific
committee and will be handled with all other submissions. You will be
hearing from them shortly.

Again, we are sorry about any problems the email delays have caused and
we look forward to seeing you in 1997.

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