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Cavers Mailing List     № 4401

Новая версия Speleobase 2.4.1

Автор: Victor Komarov
Дата: 11 Mar 2003

Добрый день.
Бельгийские коллеги сообщают о появлении новой версии программы для создания
базы данных по пещерам.

Dear cavers & friends,

A new version of Speleobase (2.4.1) is now available on our website:
Follow the "Software" link


Paul De Bie
Speleoclub Avalon
Belgie - Belgium - Belgique
Visit our pages:

SpeleoBase - What's New?

V2.4.1 - 4/3/2003

* Windows XP Themes support! All controls (buttons, checkboxes, scrollbars
etc). will now have an XP-look in your favourite theme.

* Cave Table: by clicking on the column captions, you can now sort on nearly
every column of the table (now on 19 different columns, before only 10
columns could be sorted!). Also you can now sort every column ascending or
descending, just by clicking one more time on the caption. Small triangular
"sortmarkers" indicate the sort direction. Also, all index expressions are
now on "uppercase" which results in better sorting.

* Cave Table: will now remember on what column it was sorted. When starting
SpeleoBase it will be ordered exactly the same way it was when you closed
SpeleoBase. Before you had to indicate your default sort order in de
Configuration window; this is no longer necessary, nor possible.

* Cave Table Tooltips: when passing with the mouse pointer over a cave name
or number, a balloon (tooltip) will pop up showing some significant
information about the cave.

* The field for the "Synonym Name" has been doubled in length (before 50,
now 100 long)

* 5 New fields in the cave database:
- CACONFID: allows you to distinguish "confidential" caves from the rest
- CAREMARK: additional remarks
- CAMETINF2: information about the cave metrics ("Depth")
- CAINTREST: information or keywords about the cave's interest
- CAPROTECT: to enter the protection measures that are taken or needed

* The selectionbox with "statusses" will now show also icons for more

* A fast search engine has been built in to Speleobase. You can now search
(and filter) on one or several words (or even a part of a word) and these
words can be anywhere in the Speleobase text fields, even in the "memo"
fields with the cave description, localisation, bibliography, and so on.
On top of this, you can still (just as before) filter the cave table on
different criteria. This makes SpeleoBase very powerful; for example: you
can filter on all caves situated in Spain, that are still in exploration,
that are situated in the Cantabria area, and on top of that the search
engine will allow you to pick just those caves out where the words
"pollution" and "river" have been used anywhere in the cave record

* From now on, you have access to the "Maintenance" menu without having to
close the cave table first. This come in handy, when you are entering new
caves and you quickly need to create or change a code.

* Print-outs:
- New list showing cave metrics information.
- Many modifications in the normal liste of caves

* During long running operations (e.g. re-indexing) an animated dialog
window pops up.

* Exporting caves to WGS84 format: better error-handling and error logging.

* Logging window (when exporting or importing caves) now has the possibility
to show only the errors, which is handy when you have converted many caves.

Bug fixes:
- Improved Reindex routines should avoid the sporadic crashes that could
happen while re-indexing many caves (thousands).

- Bug removed that prevented emailing a cave in RTF format
Пожалуйста поделитесь своими впечатлениями от этой программы.

Всего доброго
Виктор Комаров

http://sinto.ru - Снаряжение для туризма

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