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Cavers Mailing List     № 406

New web-site

Автор: 079-3416885
Дата: 15 Oct 1996

 new web-site
I started a new web-site in frames about the limestone quarries in the
You will find an index to about 200 mines and maps with the locations of the
Also you will find some pictures to give you an impression of the quarries
For those who visit to the south of the Netherlands i give you information
about visiting these mines
or the (free) geological excursions. Some of the pages are still in dutch
but for those who just want a
 visual impression that in not so important.

The new site: http:// web.inter.NL.net/hcc/Ed.Stevenhagen/groeven/index.html

the old site :

Solving mathematical problems with java-script
At the moment i am working at some HTML-pages in java-script with wich you
can transform
(dutch and belgium) geographical coordinates into x-y and back.
The transformation will work on-line and stand alone (off-line) with
Netscape 2...
Maybe UTM, WGS84 and Gauss will follow .
Within two weeks i will give them a place on my site. With help of the
source, for programmers, it will give you
an example for making your own HTML-tranformation-page in script...at least
when you know the transformation formula.

A quarry with old inscriptions
Also i hope to present soon some pictures of an old quarry we found with
very unique inscriptions
back to 1511. The survey is done with compass and Leica Disto (laser
distance measurement) and
put into Atlas-gis. At the moment i surveyed a floor area of 1900 m2.

For your information
My main objective is to make maps of caves (souterrains. mines) in the
Netherlands by using Atlas-Gis and Surfer.
In fact we just have a few real natural caves but some 200 limestone
quarries. The largest natural cave is only 50 m in "length".
I will give support to every form of research of souterrains:
 - We experimented with locating the position of a cave with a radio
location device operating on the near magnetic field.
 - The university of Utrecht tried to find souterrains with microgravitation
 - "Grontmij" tried to find souterrains by measurОng soil-resistance and
using electromagnetic-fields.

You are welcome to my site,

Ed stevenhagen
Velddreef 293
NL-2727CH Zoetermeer

For this mailing i used the mailing list of Joep Orbons's Souterrains Mail.

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