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Cavers Mailing List     № 401

Damages in Cuchillo Cura

Автор: Mario A. Pettersen
Дата: 8 Oct 1996


Between the days 26 and 29 of past September., the Grupo Espeleologico
Argentino (GEA), guest by the association Grupo Espeleologico Lajeno
 (G.E.La.) worked with the Direccion Provincial de Mineria (minning
authorities), and colleague associations, for the determination of damages
in the Cuchillo Cura caves (NeuquИn - Argentina).
It could be proven in the surface area, that the concession company of mining,
traced a new road above the Caverna del Templo, to so only 5 meters of the
roof of the same. Also it was opened a new front of works on the most
beautiful rooms of the caves. For these projects was levelled the
autochthonous vegetable cover, with the consequent deterioration of the
landscape, subtracting the energy resources to the cave ecosystem
The interior of the Caverna del Templo, was traveled together to
Mr. Juan C. Danieli, Director of Direccion Provincial de Mineria,
being proven splits and detachings presumably provoked by the mining projects
effected with jackhammers, heavy machinery traffic and explosives.
GEA proceed to the topographic report of the modifications of the
earthly and ratified it with personal of Direccion Provincial de Mineria that
recognized the damages.
The previous week, the Governor Felipe Sapag ordered to paralize the works,
before the great pressure exercised by the public opinion and qualified
argentine and foreign specialists.
The intention of the mining authorities was to dial in the surface an exclusion
zone that limit the mining projects.
The speleological associations requested that before limiting an exclusion area,
is taken into account the proposal of Reservation and Natural Area of Cuchillo Cura
System, the report on environmental impact, the Cartography of the zone and the
Biological and Archaeologic studies presented by GEA to the authorities of the
Province of Neuquen in the framework of the Cuchillo Cura Project, those which
Mining authorities expressed not to know. A copy of this documentation was
delivered in the act to Mr. Danieli.
The posture of GEA notes to an integral protection of this environment,
that include all its natural and cultural values. The caves of Cuchillo Cura,
not only it is important by its beauty and dimension, but also by be the habitat
of a troglobite fauna unique in our country, and by the archaeologic site that
exists in its immediacys.

Note: We have material in VHS and photographs.

Who wish to participate actively in defense of this ecosystem, or to
request more information, please be communicated with:

Grupo Espeleologico Argentino
C.C. 232 - Suc. 3 -
1403 Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel: 54-1-552-1716 / 0981
Fax 54-1-3425437 / 3348964

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