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Cavers Mailing List     № 390

delivery problems and change of address

Автор: Alexander Klimchouk
Дата: 17 Sep 1996

Dear Colleague,

Due to unrecognized problem with a server in Padova, all messages sent for
me to the address during July, August and the
first half of September HAVE NOT BEEN DELIVERED. Moreover, the above address
is not operative any more.

Please, note the new address: and cancel the
old one in any files.

I would kindly ask to re-send all messages sent to that corrupted address
during the above period, if any and still important, to the new address.

This new address will be operative until November 30.
All messages sent to Kiev have been received
safely; this address will be operative since November 30.


Alexander Klimchouk
Dipartimento di Geografia
Via del Santo 26
35123 Padova Italy


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