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Cavers Mailing List     № 2647

International Toast of Caving Friends

Автор: Alexander Klimchouk
Дата: 27 Jun 2001

International Toast of Caving Friends

4th of July, 5 p.m. by Eastern (US) time, 12 p.m. by Kiev time

Dear Friend,

Let me kindly remind you about wonderful opportunity to rise a glass
of your favorable drink together with hundreds or maybe even
thousands of caving friends in many countries all over the World.
The International Toast of Caving Friends will be risen on July 4th
at 5 p.m. by Eastern (US) time (12 p.m. by Kiev time). If you join
the Toast exactly in this moment (please, calculate the respective
time in your place), you can be sure that your sought of friends,
regardless of the distance and borders that separates them from you,
will reach them as they also think of you in this minute. Let us
toast for "ONE WORLD UNDERGROUND" that united all of us throughout
the globe and gave us so many beautiful friendships.

This time we will commemorate the 10th anniversary of this tradition,
more correctly - of its international dimension. The first International
Toast had been risen during the Golden NSS Convention in Cobleskil
(New York) in 1991, when some hundred cavers at the campground
joined their friends in Ukraine and Russia with the toast in the
pre-arranged time. This had placed the tradition, previously
practiced among Soviet cavers, on the international level.

Let us also think at this moment of those friends who have passed
during these ten years, particularly of those who participated in
the very first one: Russell Gurnee, Vladimir Kisseljov and Kyim
Cunningham. They'll be with us at that moment.


The Toast Coordinator,

--Alexander Klimchouk
Dr.Alexander Klimchouk
P.O.Box 136
Kiev-30, 01030, Ukraine
Phone/fax: +380-44-5128283
Phone: +380-4473-30194

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