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Cavers Mailing List     № 2565

Погружения в словении

Автор: Sergey Belousov
Дата: 17 May 2001

From: "Bill Mixon"
To: "Cave Divers List"
Subject: dive in Slovenia
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 09:56:51 -0600

Someone called to my attention the following announcement from
www.ipak.org/gigi/index.html. Some photos and a "text on request" button

with unclear purpose are also on the page; check it out. I have edited
text somewhat. -- Bill Mixon

Extreme cave diver Luigi Casati successfully accomplished a
dive in the Divjak sump.

The Divje jezero (lake) near the Slovenian town of Idrija is well known
among cave divers. There were several attempts to dive as deep as
in the sump, and three people have already lost their lives. Until now
record of 136 meters belonged to the late Tomo Vrhevec. Olivier Isler
122 meters has come very close. But Italian Luigi Casati, with the
assistance of his life-long diving companion well-known Swiss diver
Jean-Jaques Bolanz descended even deeper. In 25 minutes he got to -160
meters [~-525 feet] at approximately 450 meters into the sump. He used
underwater scooter and many stage tanks filled with air and trimix. He
to spend eight more hours decompressing on the way out. The last three
half hours were spent in a submerged underwater air-filled bell with a
telephone connection. The main problems were poor visibility and extreme

cold. One can survive in 6-degree-C water for such a long period only in
decompression bell with battery powered heating systems under the dry

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