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Cavers Mailing List № 17600
Fwd: International Year of Caves and Karst: monthly Partners update: important request!
Автор: Bulat Mavlyudov
Дата: 06 Dec 2021
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От кого: George Veni <>
Кому: George Veni <>
Дата: Понедельник, 6 декабря 2021, 6:20 +02:00
Тема: International Year of Caves and Karst: monthly Partners update: important request!
Dear International Year of Caves and Karst Partners,
Since our celebration the International Year at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris we have continued to stay busy following up with organizations and opportunities to build on that success. Now the real work starts. We must turn that meeting into tangible results for caves and karst and continue to need your support.
We currently have 257 International Year partners from 50 countries! On behalf of the UIS, I thank all of you for your support. However, I have noticed a decline in the number of IYCK organized each month since July. I understand that things will be slow this month with the holidays, but I am writing to remind and encourage you to prepare events for the second year of the IYCK. Because of COVID, we have a second year to reach and teach the world about caves and karst. Let’s not lose this great opportunity!
Please continue to plan and announce your International Year events and activities at http://iyck2021.org/index.php/events/. Even more importantly, when your event is over, please update your announcement by adding an Event Report. This can be a short few lines about the number of people who attended and what was done. Even better is a link to a YouTube video of the event, or a link to social media. Best of all is to have news media at your events and provide links to their stories. This will help spread information about caves and karst much further than what we do individually.
If you have any questions or needs, please let me know. And if you know other organizations that might join as partners, please tell them about the International Year and invite them!
George Veni, PhD
Executive Director, National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI)
President, International Union of Speleology (UIS)
NCKRI address (primary)
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220 USA
Office: +575-887-5517
Mobile: +210-863-5919
Fax: +575-887-5523
UIS address
Titov trg 2
Postojna, 6230 Slovenia
Bulat Mavlyudov
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