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Cavers Mailing List № 16322
Fwd: Call for ACT - safe Pirin National Park in Bulgaria
Автор: Bulat Mavlyudov
Дата: 29 Nov 2016
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От кого: YyShopov <>
Дата: Воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016, 12:45 -03:00
Тема: Call for ACT - safe Pirin National Park in Bulgaria
Dear Jean-Pierre,Thank you very much for all your support for this important effort to preserve Pirin mountains. It is also very rich with unique caves. In fact I just arrived from Pirin few minutes ago. There is a cave even on the top of the mountain at over 2900 meters altitude, but karst springs in the region are at 500 m altitude, thus suggesting 2400 meters denivelation of cave passages there. There are also hydrothermal caves formed by waters coming from the depth of the earth with rare cave minerals.All the best,YavorDr.Yavor Shopov, President of the UIS commission on Physical Chemistry and Hydrogeology of Karst --------------------------------------------Subject: Call for ACT - safe Pirin National Park in BulgariaEnglishbelow.Chers collègues,Le Parc national de Pirin en Bulgarie, une partie dupatrimoine naturel mondial de l'UNESCO est menacé. Unnouveau projet de plan de gestion est sur lepoint d'être adopté d' abord par le ministèrede l'Environnement et par le Conseil des ministresensuite. Malgré le fait que le parcest en catégorie UICN II et fait partie du réseau Natura2000, le plan de gestion du parcprévoit la levée de l' interdiction de nouvellesconstructions et de l' exploitation forestièrecommerciale. Cela signifie qu'un véritable joyau denature en montagne dans l'Europe du Sud - Est vaperdre de sa valeur au cours des 10 prochaines années,la période de temps pendant laquelle le plan de gestionsera en vigueur. Le territoire, entre autres karstique, deprédilection des chamois, des ours bruns, des sourcescristallines et des lacs, et la forêt ancienne seraendommagée pour toujours.Pour la communauté de conservation bulgare Pirin est unemblème. Les ONG bulgares se battent pour limiter laconstruction de nouvelles installations de ski depuis plusd'une décennie , et si le plan est adopté tel queproposé, ces efforts seront vains.Fixant le 15 Novembre , vous pourrait soutenir la luttede la communauté bulgare de conservation de la naturepour protéger Pirin dans un moment crucial, en signant lapétition et exhortant le Premier ministre bulgare de ne pasadopter ce plan. https://makeyourmark.S'il vous plaît partager notre appel à vos supporterset amis.Et déjà merci beaucoup pour votre soutien !------------------------------------------------------------ -----Dear colleagues,By request of our colleagues from WWF we joined theircampaign for protection of National Park Pirin in Bulgaria.We would be gratefull if you sign the petition and share theinformation among your contacts:Dear colleagues and friends,Pirin National Park in Bulgaria, part of the UNESCO’sworld natural heritage is under threat. A new draftmanagement plan is about to be adopted first by the Ministryof the Environment and then by the Council of Ministers.Despite the fact that the park is IUCN category II and ispart of the Natura 2000 network, the park management planenvisages lifting the ban on new construction and commerciallogging. This means a jewel of real mountain wilderness inSouth - Eastern Europe will lose its value during the next10 years, the period of time in which the management planwill be in force. The,territory amongsothers, of chamois and brown bears, crystal clearsprings and lakes, and ancient forest will be damagedforever.For the Bulgarian conservation community Pirin is an emblem.Bulgarian NGOs have been fighting for limiting theconstruction of new ski facilities for more than a decadeand if the plan is adopted as proposed, these efforts willgo down the drain.You could supportthe struggle of Bulgarian nature conservation community toprotect Pirin in a crucial moment, by signing the petitionand urging the Bulgarian Prime Minister to not adopt this/pirinPlease share our appeal to your supporters and friends.Thank you very much in advance!Jean-PierreBartholeynsUIS Karst and Cave ProtectionDepartmentPresident--Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns***Before printing this email, think about theenvironment.***
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