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Cavers Mailing List     № 15448

Fwd: EGU 2016: The speleothem archive

Автор: Bulat Mavlyudov
Дата: 26 Nov 2015

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От кого:
Дата: Среда, 25 ноября 2015, 8:36 +01:00
Тема: EGU 2016: The speleothem archive

<<< We apologise for cross-postings >>>

Dear friends and colleagues,

Just a short message to let you know that there will be a substantial
speleothem/cave science component to EGU next year (Vienna, 17–22 April
2016). The session will be chaired by Heather Stoll, Sophie Verheyden Marc
Luetscher and myself.

The speleothem archive: understanding processes and interpreting
Quaternary climate change
( http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/session/20041 )

The deadline for abstract submission is the 13th January 2016. Please note
that scientists who wish to apply for financial support must submit their
abstract by the 1st December 2015

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract, and we look forward to
seeing you in Vienna!

Best regards,
Heather, Sophie, Marc and Michael

PS: You are kindly ask to forward this mail to anybody who may be
interested in the field of speleothem science and the speleothem science

Dr. Michael Deininger
Government of Ireland
Postdoctoral Fellow

School of Earth Sciences
University Collage Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

www: www.ucd.ie/earthsciences/


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