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Cavers Mailing List     № 10852

Re: Спелеочудо.Огромные гипсовые кристалы.

Автор: Andrew Markow
Дата: 06 Dec 2008

spiridonov sergei пишет:
> http://www.naica.com.mx/galeria_pc.htm
> кто что скажет по поводу генеза этих гигантских кристаллов?
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Ну, вроде, там на сайте все довольно правдоподобно написано:

The genetic mechanism responsible for the development and formation of
the macro crystals, is strictly related to the peculiar geological
conditions prevailing in the Naica mine.

These macro crystals formed underwater in the area where sulphide
saturated phreatic thermal waters (52°C), came in contact with
oxygen-rich cold waters, naturally infiltrating from the exterior.

The surface and subsurface waters could not mix due to the density of
the phreatic mineralized water; oxygen diffused into the lower layer,
resulting in the oxidation of sulphide ions to sulphate which caused an
extremely light over-saturation of gypsum and therefore a slow deposit.
These singular conditions prevailing for hundreds of thousands of years
created a mineral wonderland, a site of scientific interest and an
extraordinary phenomenon.

С приветом -- Андрей Марков

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