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Cavers Mailing List     № 48

Book announcement

Автор: Grisha Sigalov
Дата: 5 Jul 94

Для общего прочтения:

         Здравствуйте, уважаемый Григорий Маркович!

     Посылаю Вам информацию о нашем предполагаемом сборнике:
15 Bukireva St., Perm, 614600 78A Karl Marx St., Perm, 614007
     Russian Federation Russian Federation
   Phone: (342-2) 39-66-14 Phone: (342-2) 64-06-69
           P R E L I M I N A R Y A N N O U N C E M E N T

Dear Сolleague,

We hereby would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate
in the memorial international collection of the scientific papers un-
der the aegis of the International Union of Speleology "Advances in
Speleotherapy and Undergroud Space Utilization", which is devoted to
the 30th anniversary of foundation of the Karstology and Speleology
Institute of the Russian Geographic Society and to commemorate its fo-
under and the first director - the famous soviet (russian) speleolo-
gist - PhD, DSc, Professor Georgy A. Maximovich, who would be 90 this

We expect that more than 50 scientists from main speleotherapy count-
ries: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Romania,
Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraina, Kirghizia, Georgia, and other countries
such as Italy, France, China, Cuba, UK, USA, Israel will participate
in this collection. The financing of the collection publication will
be realized by sponsors.

We would very much appreciate if you informed your colleagues whose
addresses are unknown to us about our invitation.

The scientific themes of the Collection are using of underground space
and caves in the human activity, the problem of using the natural ca-
ves and the underground mining workings (including salt mines and po-
tash mines) for speleotherapy, therapy in the special surface speleoc-
limatic chambers, caves microclimate.

The number of the participants is not limited. Each author may have
not more than three publications. Would you please let us know as soon
as possble whether you would be willing to participate in this collec-

Until 31 September 1994 a camera-ready hardcopy in English of all ma-
terial in twofold must be sent to our address: Prof.G.Fainburg, Insti-
tute of Karstology and Speleology, Perm University, 15 Bukireva St.,
Perm, 614600, Russia and/or a file by E-mail to: air @ mine.perm.su.

Yours sincerely, Prof. Grigory Fainburg, Deputy Director of
                   Karstology and Speleology Institute of RGS,
                   Vice-President of Ural's Speleologists Association


     Дорогой коллега!
     Если Вы испытываете сложности с написанием статьи на английском
языке, но можете написать по русски, если у Вас практически нет текс-
та, но есть хорошие фотографии по объявленной выше тематике, то присы-
лайте нам свои материалы.
     Дело в том, что кроме английского варианта (куда мы можем помес-
тить фото, а уж небольшой текст переведем сами), мы постараемся издать
и русский вариант, куда можно будет поместить и Ваши материалы.

     С уважением Григорий Файнбург

     Здесь кавычки закрываются и я продолжаю текст письма.
     Прошу Вас распространить этот текст по SpeleoNet.

     С уважением Григорий Файнбург

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