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Cavers Mailing List     № 4515

Caves in Podole

Автор: Maciek Odrow-Mieszkowski
Дата: 8 Apr 2003

We are the cavers from Wroclaw in Poland. At the turn of April, we would like to come to Podole to see some caves in this region. Could you give us some advise as to who shall we turn to in order to discuss this matter and obtain some information and also arrange all the formal matters, and who could show us these caves? We are interested in the following caves: Optymistychna, Ozerna, Zolushka, Krystalna, Mlynki, Verteba, Juvileyna and other.

In return, we offer our help and advice should you be interested in coming to Poland to see our caves.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

maciek mieszkowski

P.S. Jeli chcecie mog pisa po polsku ;-)))

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