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Cavers Mailing List     № 400

Вниманию карстологов

Автор: Grigori Sigalov 2423
Дата: 7 Oct 1996

Привет всем!

Я как-то посылал в рассылку информацию об одной карстологической
конференции, которая будет в Штатах в апреле будущего года. Недавно
от организаторов пришло сообщение, что они могут оплатить часть
затрат на участие (именно, оргвзнос) одному человеку от каждой
бедной страны. Конечно, остается еще дорога, но все же легче.
Подробности ниже.



By now, your should have received information on THE SIXTH MULTIDISCIPLINARY
KARST, which is being held April 6-9, 1997, in Springfield, Missouri, USA.

Many people from all over the world have expressed an interest in attending
this conference. We have had several questions about travel grants for
foreign visitors. Unfortunately, we have no funding for this. However, we
are working with the faculty in the Department of Geography, Geology, and
Planning at Southwest Missouri State University (a co-sponsor of the
conference) to evaluate the POSSIBILITY that they could host some foreign
guests. This would help reduce the cost of attending the conference.

We will also consider giving free registration to an author from a country
whose economy would otherwise prevent attendance. Such decisions will be
made on an individual basis. Free registration will only be awarded in
cases where extreme hardship is a NATIONAL problem in the author's country.

We are very interested in maintaining a truly international audience at this
conference. Therefore, if you know of anyone who would be interested in
staying with a faculty member, please let us know as soon as possible so
that we may arrange it IF POSSIBLE.

Please contact us at if you

1) know of anyone who would be interested in staying with a faculty member;
2) have not received any information regarding this conference (and wish to);
3) wish to be removed from the conference e-mail list;
4) received duplicate copies of this message at one or more e-mail addresses
(and wish not to in the future); and/or
5) have any questions or comments about the conference.

For the latest information, please see the conference home page at
http://www.uakron.edu/geology/6th.html. This site will be updated

We look forward to seeing you next April!

Thank you very much,

Dr. Barry F. Beck
J. Brad Stephenson
Dr. Zhou Wanfang

P.E. LaMoreaux & Associates, Inc. (PELA)
106 Administration Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(423) 483-7483 (phone)
(423) 483-7639 (fax)

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