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Cavers Mailing List     № 3316

Re: 25 матч, план проезда.

Автор: G.L. Seymour M.Sc. \(BP\)
Дата: 27 May 2002

ATTENTION: Mr George B. Sapozhnikov of

Dear Mr Sapozhnikov,
I request permission to publish one of your photograph form your web pages in the size and trim shown below. My non-profit website is: http://karst.PlanetResources.net
I wish to use the photograph to illustrates the special personal skills and attitude required for karst research and cave exploration.
The photograph is published with a link to your website, and I request that your please supply the name of photographer to include in the sub-title.

G.L. Seymour M.Sc.


Прикреплённый файл: www-sgs-e_burg-su-Adj-r-Opt.jpg (12.25 KBytes)

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