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Cavers Mailing List     № 17792

RE: Fwd: ISS position statement on the Ukrainian War

Автор: A. Grachev
Дата: 13 Apr 2022

Після заяви бюро UIS нащадкам муссоліні краще було б стулити пельку. Але вони вирішили вимазатися кров’ю невинних жертв Бучі і Краматорска.
Це не змити ніколи



ISS position statement on the Ukrainian War

The Italian Speleological Society (SSI) is an apolitical association which bases its foundation on caving and on scientific and technical collaborations with all its enthusiasts, wherever they are in the world.


We strongly believe that all of us agree in saying that war has not been, and will never be, a solution to problems which are always and only economic.


The emails we have seen in the various social networks on the war in progress often emphasize extreme positions and, at this juncture, even the various statements issued by the UIS have demonstrated how it is difficult to express a position that is consistent with the statutory purposes of the institutions they represent.


The SSI Board believes that blaming someone is not a correct way to solve problems that are bigger than individuals and groups. These problems must be faced and solved by politics, which makes the choices that are within its competence, right or wrong. We believe that a way to the dialogue must always be sought.


For this reason, we believe that Russian speleologists, at this moment in the eye of the storm of social communications, cannot in any way oppose the politics of their nation, and that isolating them would make them resentful toward an international consensus that condemns them. Asking Russian cavers for an official disavowal of their leader's policy would certainly put them in a difficult situation, and we do not think it is fair to demand such a stance.


In conclusion, the SSI Board condemns the war, asks that those who suffer can be helped with the use of the most effective means, and stands in solidarity with all those who are mourning their dead, whatever their nationality.


Let us help our Ukrainian friends, let us not blame our Russian friends.


For the Italian Speleological Society (SSI) Board


Sergio Orsini




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