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Cavers Mailing List     № 9044

The Vadose Caves of Crete

Автор: Ioannis Zenas
Дата: 7 Sep 2006

The Vadose Caves of Crete, Greece

Description: 7 Sep. 2006.

The broader area of Smari that is one of the most important archaeological sites of Crete is almost entirely consisted by limestones, into which many caves have been developed. These caves were explored, listed and mapped.

They have similar morphology that means they have shortly expanded corridors that are not bifurcated; their breadths are smaller than their lengths and heights and there are pits closed by sediments.

Based on their development and according to their relationship with the geological structure (lithology and tectonic) of the area, it can be concluded that they belong to the special categoryof caves, the so called VADOSE CAVES (vadose canyons and vertical shafts) with defined way of speleogenesis in the vadose zone.

by Georgios Lazaridis
2nd Cretan Speleological Symposium
Hellenic Speleological Society
Department of Crete.


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