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Cavers Mailing List     № 748

Souterrains 15

Автор: Joep Orbons
Дата: 05 Jan 1998

UIS commission on artificial cavities.
Holdaal 6
NL 6228 GH Maastricht
The Netherlands
WWW: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jorbons/home.html
Souterrains mail 15:
Message 1:
Souterrains wishes everybody a happy new year and prosperous research
Message 2:
The Souterrains web-site has been completely renewed. It took a year of work
to transform the Souterrains network into a web-site with frames, guestbook,
self-expanding contributions and much, much more.
During this year a lot of e-mail was send to me with many new sites and
information. Not all of this is processed yet. Maybe even some of it got
lost, so I ask everybody to check the web-site and, if the information is
not available, resend it, or add it yourself through the interactive buttons.

Souterrains web site: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jorbons/souterrains.html

Any comment is welcome.
Message 3: Question
Good Day,

I`m seeking for a client:
  Rodely, Lyn Cave Monasteries of Byzantium Turkey-A Study in Failure.
Published in the mid. 1908`s( I`m assumimg a US publisher here). Any
help finding out where to purchase a copy of this book would be most
appreciated. Thanks so much.

  Karen Tewart
Message 4: Change of address
The postal address for Souterrains will change somewhere during 1998. So
please note in your addressbook that the postal address for Souterrains is:
   Holdaal 6
   NL 6228 GH Maastricht
   The Netherlands
This address can be used right away.
Message 5: Information request
All the people on this mailing list have interrest in the man-made
underground. Very few however have given permission to put their name and
address at the Souterrains web-site net-work. Putting your name and address
on this net-work means your name and address can be read by anyone world
wide, therefor expaning your contacts.
So please would anyone who does not have their name on the Souterrains
web-site, think it over putting their name on. Just simply send an e-mail to
 or filling in the appropriate form at the web-site will do.
If you know a friend or organisation or museum that relates to the man-made
underground that is not on the Internet, please ask them to send their
information as well. Even if they don't have an Internet connection, their
information is welcome. As you will see, most of the entries are postal
addresses, without an Internet relation. As a matter of fact, Souterrains
offers free web-space for everybody who has information to be put on the
Internet. This offer has been taken up by several clubs already, who do not
have an Internet connection, but have their pages running at the Souterrains
server. For more details, contact .

If you have any reason not to make your name and address public, you do not
need to worry. Your name and e-mail address will not be distributed in any
way without your concent.
Message 6: Request for support
                                        Santaf? de Bogot? Colombia

Colombia is suffering from environmental damage. The irrational and
rudimentary exploitation of the sources of raw materials (quarries), used in
the Construction industry, is a worrying fact. The Colombian Legislation
offers lack of strict control over the use of resources for which, we are
proposing an investigation to find and promote new exploitation techniques
that will increase efficiency in the planning done to mitigate environmental

The investigation is proposed as a thesis or final project to obtain our

This study will focus specifically in the possibility of underground
exploitation of the above mentioned sources and best possible benefit to be
taken from materials. All of this done under the socioeconomic and cultural
restrictions of our country.

Unfortunately, there has been no development on projects of this type mostly
because entities in charge of this issue take for granted that the costs
involved in this type of exploitation will be too high. Our objective is to
create awareness among the population and specially among mining
corporations over the importance of economic investment on these techniques
by proving its feasibility based on a cost-benefit study.

The above issue forces us to search for information through international
entities who will most likely have access to advanced research on this
aspect. This research will certainly contribute to new ideas and knowledge
that will enrich the development of environmental engineering in Colombia.

We have addressed you in order to obtain your kind cooperation and hope to
hear from you in the very near future.
Looking forward to your hearing from you,


Juan Miguel Hern?ndez
Ricardo C?rdenas
Civil Engineer Students,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Eng. Alvaro Correa Arroyave.
Project Director.
Message 7: Underground a house
Ed Siceloff,
USAD, Darlington, Pennsylvania
I am making tunnels and rooms, etc., at my house. I am putting an
underground entrance to a planned for underground sauna under the
concrete deck that I am building. I would like to eventually have an
extensive system of rooms and tunnels. I hope to do everything by hand-
tools. I have done some caving in abandoned coal mines and old
clay mines. Its an interest but not for now.
  I'd be interested in knowing about sites that can give me information
about how to tunnel safely, what kind of underground support mechanisms
to be used to build with (types of archways to support overburden, etc).
Thus far I plan to use ferrous cement and brick and concrete.
Ed Siceloff
Message 8: reclamation of limestone quarries
Louise Price,
Britain, Leeds, (term time) Buxton, Derbyshire at other times
Can anyone send me any information about the reclamation of
limestone quarries. I would really like to have information
about the different types of reclamation processes that are
used by landscape architects and planners.
I require this information for my final year report.
I can also be written to at
10, Langdale Terrace,
Great Britain.

Joep Orbons, Holdaal 6, NL 6228 GH Maastricht, The Netherlands
E-Mail: , WWW: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jorbons/souterrains.html
Office: RAAP archaeological consultancy, P.O.Box 1347, NL 1000 BH Amsterdam
E-Mail: , WWW: http://www.raap.nl/

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