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Cavers Mailing List     № 1811


Автор: Grigori M. Sigalov
Дата: 23 May 2000

Привет всем!

Смотрите, что пришло от Luc-Henri Fage
(написано 05/23/2000 в 03:07:06).
Subject: SPELEOVISION'2000

===8<==============Original message text===============



First International Caving and Canyoning Film Festival is welcoming
you at La Chapelle en Vercors (France). August 24-27th, 2000

- speleologists : come here and follow the big holliday of caving and
canyoning exploration. Films, show, visit of rope equiped great caves
of Vercors (perhaps the Gouffre Berger will be open !), feast, etc.
You can get more information at http://speleovision.com Until June
15th 2000, you can book you "full pass" : 300 FF in spite of 590 FF!

- filmmakers : you can propose a film for the contest (23.000 FF of
cash prizes) until the 1st of June !!! Share this information with
yours friends ! Go to http://speleovision.com/PDF to download an entry
form and the rules (or ask me by fax at +334 90 04 75 28)

Luc-Henri Fage
Editions Speleo
BP 114, 20 rue de l'Amphitheatre, 84404 Apt Cedex France
Tel. +334 90 04 75 16 - fax +334 90 04 75 28
Visitez notre site web : http://www.speleo.com
Les grottes ornees de Borneo : http://www.speleo.com/borneo

Du 24 au 27 aout 2000, le festival du film de Speleo et de Canyon
SPELEOVISION a la Chapelle en Vercors.
Visitez notre site : http://www.speleovision.com

===8<===========End of original message text===========

Forwarded by
Григорий Сигалов
ICQ: 7979504

с/к "Барьер" Российский СпелеоИнфоЦентр
http://www.barrier.org.ru http://fadr.msu.ru/~sigalov

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