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Cavers Mailing List     № 148

Список рассылки по искусственным полостям

Автор: Grigory M. Sigalov
Дата: 20 Oct 1995

Всем привет!

Комиссия UIS по искусственным полостям в лице ее президента Юпа Орбонса
организовала список рассылки по соответствующей тематике. Ежели имеются
желающие на него подписаться, они это могут сделать (см. ниже). Первый
мэйл на эту тему в нашу рассылку я кидать не рискую - большой и не все
будут читать, - но готов выслать лично тем, кому интересно.

Ниже - кусок из письма Юпа, из которого все ясно.



>From: (Joep Orbons)
>Subject: Souterrains mailinglist
>X-Mailer: <PC Eudora Version 1.4b22>
>Lines: 207
>Status: RO
>UIS commission on artificial cavities.
>c/o Joep Orbons
>P.O. Box 1614
>NL 6201 BP Maastricht
>The Netherlands
>Dear receiver,
>This is the first mail of the Souterrains mailing list. On a regular basis
>you will receive through this list mail concerning souterrains. In it you
>can find new publications, discussions, announcements to meetings etc.
>Your E-Mail address was put on this list so you will receive automaticly
>mail concerning souterrains. The mail is send by the UIS Commission on
>artificial cavities.
>If you wish to be removed from this list, just send an E-Mail to
> and you will be removed from the list.
>If you know of others that would like to be put on the list, mail me as
>well, and they will be added.
>This first mail contains a discussion.
>This is a text on the categorising of souterrains. It is an attempt to make
>sure all types of man
>made subterranean structures called souterrains, are put in a type list.
>Enclosed you will find my
>english proposal, but more languages should also be made.
>This has several advantages:
>- Everybody understands each others terminology.
>- It is possible to use this type list in computerised data storage. So we
>can exchange
> data sets.
>- Once this type list is ready, we can use it as a first step towards an
>extended lexicon. The
> ones made till today, are far from complete.
>I have some questions for you:
>- Are you willing to cooperate in the making of this lexicon, to start with
>this souterrains
> type list?
>- Could you please have a close look at the type list and discuss it. Any
> corrections, etc. are welcome.
>- If we agree on a list, could you translate it to your language, with the
>cooperation of other
> people in your language area?
>- Certain categories are far from complete. Can you extend them, if you are
>a specialist on that
> terrain. The same goes for the definitions.
>In this first type list I have made several choises:
>- No more then three levels deep, otherwise it becomes unhandleble.
>- At words that might be unclear or under discussion, I have put in a simple
>- A "souterrain" is an underground space created by man that can be entered
>by a person.
>- A "souterrain" can have more then one function at a time, and therefor
>belong to two types at
> the same time. Eg. a tunnel that takes water from a mine to the
>outside, as well as
> transport boats, is both an adit and a canal tunnel.
>I hope to hear from you soon,
>Best wishes,
>Joep Orbons
>Type list

(сам список я вырезал)

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